LU technology transforms every space
linkadmin / / Blog, Erasmus+, I-IV, Kombinovani, Math&Move, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / March 9, 2023
LU Tehnology
Creating an Active Educational Environment for Children that Enhances Physical, Intellectual, and Social-Emotional Development
No one can dispute the importance of traditional teaching methods. But in an age where everything is changing at a rapid pace and technology is becoming a valuable tool in everyone’s hands, educators have no choice but to adapt. By combining traditional teaching methods with technology, they can significantly influence the achievements of their students.
There are many platforms, games, applications, and electronic devices, that are used by people for learning, having fun, or even staying fit. Some of them combine all the prementioned goals and so does LU Playground.
What is LU Playground
Designed in Canada five years ago, it has rapidly spread to many countries. Now more than one thousand schools have a LU system. It is an interactive audiovisual system powered by a wide range of educational applications suitable for pedagogical uses among others. A LU system includes a high-definition laser projector, a movement detection camera, a powerful sound system and a fully automated multi-coloured lighting system to create immersive magical environments where students learn better through physical activity.
Given the fact that less than 10% of children are doing enough physical activity, diversifying learning and teaching modes is one of the main challenges of education. Social-emotional and physical skills are often neglected when intergrading technology, but LU can transform any space into an active and immersive educational environment where kids are engaged physically, intellectually and socially emotionally.

Educational Applications
Designed by educators for educators, the LU system includes a diverse, growing variety of curriculum-based applications covering almost all subjects. Regularly updated and customisable to fit the needs of every age group and school curriculum, the activities are carefully designed to help children foster their physical and educational needs to the fullest. LU applications cover all subject matters from Mathematics to STEAM, Physical Education, Languages, Geography and more.
How Newton application works?
LU projects mathematical operations and answers on a wall which the teacher can select or create his/her own, depending on the student’s needs and skill level. Students in two or four lines (depending on class size), have to run and hit with a special softball the correct answer as fast as possible in order to beat the time. LU can sense when the correct answer is being hit and adds one point to the team. The kind of mathematical operations and up to what number the score is going to be can be chosen by the user (i.e. the teacher).
LU users can communicate with each other and exchange good practices and experiences through LU Community. This way a synergy is created between educators around the world to enable children to develop their full potential. LU won the EdTech Cool Tool Award 2022 in the “Games for Learning/Simulation Solutions” category, which recognises companies contributing to the technological transformation of education. Lots of European schools have installed LU on their premises and the feedback given by users/teachers is positive. Here are some of their comments:
“The LU transforms the room into a completely different world…”
SC BAYER UERDINGEN, GERMANY ““This is social-emotional learning, it’s the physical attached to the academic….”
ROCKFORD, IL, USA“Some of the positives that we really see is the joy and excitement of children coming to school…”
BALTIMORE, MD, USA“What really captivates us with LU is the movement. We move, and we learn”
LU has proven to be particularly useful and beneficial even for students with Special Learning Difficulties (SLDs). They feel part of the whole class, participate, and perform to the best of their abilities. The lights, the music, the screen, its design as well as the interaction it offers is particularly helpful for SLD students.
In Arsakeio Primary School of Patras, they use LU quite often and in almost all school subjects. They started its application first in the PE classes and slowly expanded its use to the other subjects (Math, Geography, Foreign Languages etc.) as well. Both teachers and students became familiar with its use and capabilities very quickly and everyone loved it. LU is suitable for students of all ages, from kindergarten (age 4–5) to Year 6 (age 11–12).
Physical activity, learning and having fun at the same time
LU not only is an educational tool, but it can serve other purposes as well: from dancing to making presentations and competition entries, LU can meet the expectations of any user. Arsakeio Primary School of Patras participated in LU Online International Basketball Tournament in December 2022, in which primary school students from countries all over the world took part. Students’ involvement was impressive and the anticipation of the results being announced hit the ceiling! LU has also been adopted in the curriculum of Arsakeio Secondary School with students and teachers being part of an Erasmus+ program (HALL) which promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Students feel lucky to have LU, which helps them move, learn, and have fun at the same time. They are looking forward to playing mathematical games, they are becoming better every day, and their minds use mathematical operations faster every time and with no stress at all! They are just having fun! The movement awakens their body and mind! LU makes learning accessible for all learner types, promotes cooperation and physical well-being, develops skills and boosts self-confidence since everybody can do it!