CARE2LEARN, the Erasmus project for parents and children, has begun
linkadmin / / Blog, CARE2LEARN, Erasmus+, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / January 25, 2022
CARE2LEARN, the Erasmus project for parents and children, has begun
First meeting successfully organized with enthusiasm and boundless love for children
Starting school is one of the most significant events in the life of every child. The joint activities for parents and future students were designed to help them acquire the necessary skills that will allow them to embark on this serious, but exciting adventure. The future students need to acquire the basic work habits, and strengthen their socio-emotional competencies at an early age in order to be able to build healthy relationships with others, and adjust to a new environment. At the same time, it is crucial that parents follow them in this adventure, providing the necessary support and encouragement.
The Care2Learn project was officially launched in December 2021, with a meeting between the partners in Zagreb, including the representatives of Primary School Savremena, parents’ association Step by step, who organized this meeting, and professors from the Faculty of Teacher Education in Zagreb. Representatives of the partner company from Cyprus – Emphasys Centre, joined the meeting online.
The initial meeting for the Care2Learn project involved a detailed discussion on the key topics, such as the project’s methodological framework, agreed tools to be used, division of responsibility, deadlines, and the consideration of potential risks and ways to overcome them. The positions regarding the project-related disputable issues were harmonized, and the time was spent in constructive, and high-quality discussion.

The initial meeting for the Care2Learn project involved a detailed discussion on the key topics, such as the project’s methodological framework, agreed tools to be used, division of responsibility, deadlines, and the consideration of potential risks and ways to overcome them. The positions regarding the project-related disputable issues were harmonized, and the time was spent in constructive, and high-quality discussion.
What the coordinators of this project have in common is huge enthusiasm, boundless love for children and their profession, as well as motivation for progress and finding new ways to help children and parents to open a new chapter of their life, and begin their educational journey.
With the magic of Advent in the Zagreb air, the beginning of the project was marked by a friendly and warm atmosphere of getting to know each other, agreeing on the first project activities, spending quality time together, and planning next meetings with a shared vision of a better future.