Savremena Primary School participates in the innovative European project Math&Move

/ / Blog, Erasmus+, Math&Move / September 19, 2024

Savremena Primary School Participates in the Innovative European Project Math&Move

A dynamic approach to learning mathematics through movement and storytelling enhances students’ academic and social skills

Savremena Primary School is a proud participant in the European Math&Move project, designed to revolutionise the way students learn mathematics by integrating movement and storytelling. This innovative method allows students of all ages and abilities to engage with abstract mathematical concepts through physical activity and creative narratives. Funded by the European Union, the project has been implemented in several countries, including Serbia, Greece, France, and Belgium.

One of the key features of the Math&Move project is its focus on inclusivity. Recognising the diverse learning styles and needs of students, the project offers a range of activities that ensure every child can actively participate in the learning process. At Savremena Primary School, classrooms have become dynamic spaces where students engage in fun games and storytelling, using their bodies to grasp mathematical concepts. For example, younger students learned about time by using their arms and legs as clock hands, while older students explored geometric shapes through physical activities.

Results and Feedback from Participants

The testing of Math&Move resources at Savremena Primary School has shown remarkable results. Students who participated in lessons using this method achieved better test scores compared to those following traditional learning approaches. They particularly excelled in areas requiring spatial reasoning and object manipulation, indicating that physical interaction with learning materials helps deepen their understanding of abstract concepts.
Teachers and parents also expressed great satisfaction with the students’ engagement and positive responses to this approach. By combining movement, storytelling, and visual aids, students were more motivated and willing to collaborate in groups, which further enhanced their social and academic development.

The Math&Move project offers students the opportunity to experience mathematics in an interactive and enjoyable way, helping them develop not only their mathematical abilities but also their social and communication skills through movement, stories, and teamwork. This innovative approach holds great promise for future educational development, creating a dynamic and motivating learning environment where every child can thrive and foster a genuine love for mathematics.