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“Robo karavan” arrived at Savremena
linkadmin / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / November 22, 2022
``Robo karavan`` arrived at Savremena
Students of Primary School Savremena got acquainted with programming LEGO robots and the use of sensors
In cooperation with the SerbianTech community, “Robo karavan” arrived at Savremena, so the students had the opportunity to learn and master the basics of programming and robotics.
As part of the “Robo karavan” workshop, students aged 9–14 learnt about programming LEGO robots and using sensors, following simultaneously the process of writing the and the robot’s movement in response to code execution.
During the workshop, students learnt how to give commands to the LEGO robot so that the robot could determine the direction of movement and follow lines using sensors, as well as how to detect obstacles and movements, and move and transport objects.
Robotics is an extremely important subject because, in addition to enriching education, it develops logic, algorithmic thinking and creativity in children. As our students say, robotics allows them to turn ideas from their imaginations into reality.
Savremena is the only school in the region where robotics can be learnt from the first grade. Robots are valuable didactic tools and a perfect, interactive way to introduce programming concepts to students, and in Savremena they are an integral part of everyday teaching.