Primary School Savremena marked International Day against Drug Abuse with a lecture by Dr Igor Pantić
milica.ostojic / / I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / December 6, 2023
Primary School Savremena marked International Day against Drug Abuse with a lecture by Dr Igor Pantić
Informative lecture for the seventh-grade students
On 6 December, an inspiring lecture on the topic of fighting addiction was held at Primary School Savremena by Dr Igor Pantić, a renowned specialist in psychiatry. This initiative is part of the school’s tradition that commemorates World AIDS Day.
Discussing addictions: Teaching important aspects of health
Dr Igor Pantić, the parent of our school’s student Viktor Pantić, provided seventh-grade students with a deep insight into the mechanisms and risks of addiction to psychoactive substances. During the lecture, students learned about various forms of behavioural addictions and discussed the serious consequences they can have on health and daily functioning.

Exploring current issues: What interested our students the most?
Throughout the lecture, students had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in active discussions with Dr Pantić. They were particularly interested in topics such as addiction to mobile phones and video games, as well as the methods of treatment and possibilities of recovery from addiction to psychoactive substances.
A big thank you to Dr Igor Pantić for his valuable lecture and engagement in educating our children, which is also the first step in preventing addiction