Savremeni osnovci na Dečjem sajmu

Primary School Savremena at Kids Fair: Interactive get-together on a robot range

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / October 30, 2019

Primary School Savremena at Kids Fair: Interactive get-together on a robot range

Primary School Savremena presented its interactive corner at the 24th Kids Fair which attracted a great deal of attention of both students and their parents. The visitors could see how the most state-of-the-art technology  is applied in education, and preschoolers, students of junior grades of primary school, as well as their parents tried their hand at interesting and educational games in our interactive corner.

Intrigued children and parents: How do you operate a robot?

A great crowd of children and their parents gathered on the Savremena’s robot range wanting to have a shot at this game and learn more about interactive education supported by the latest technologies.

The children patiently waited their turn to operate robots and learn more about them, and they shared their impressions:

I want to make my own robot and control it, and when I grow up like my mum and dad, I will be working on scientific technology, said one of the little visitors at the Fair.

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MeeBot Kit, mBot, and Ultimate 2.0 are just some of the Savremena’s robots children had the opportunity to see at the Fair. A healthy competitive spirit developed among students and their parents, and the Savremena stand allowed them to learn more about how these robots operate and how they can be applied in education at Savremena, where students use them in robotics lessons to learn through play.

Elated parents: The children learnt something new!

All the little visitors at the fair took part in an interactive workshop with robots, thus entering the world of robotics in an engaging and fun way, and were given interesting educational puzzles as a parting gift.

In addition to the robot range, Savremena stand offered something interesting for the parents as well – they got a handbook Things You Need to Know When your Child Starts School, and solved an online test – Is Savremena the Right Choice for Your Child?.

I can see everything in your corner is well-organised and adapted for children. There is a huge crowd of children and my nephew Petar developed an interest in robots.

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Savremena – a truly different primary school

The number of parents and children who gathered at the Savremena stand at the Kids Fair showed that Savremena is a truly different primary school. A school of the 21st century that prepares its students for a secure future presented innovativeness, expertise of its teaching staff , variety of the teaching materials, and the importance of extracurricular activities. What distinguishes Savremena and its education as the leader in the field of education is a world-class methodological approach to teaching and the application of the latest technologies in education.

Savremena’s students grow up in a warm and supportive atmosphere, and spend each day making new friendships and learning by the highest world standards. Going to school with a smile is the motto of Savremena students, and the school’s mission is:

Provide each child with a quality education and help them to grow into a well-rounded, educated and accomplished person.

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