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Masquerade ball and culinary arts in Savremena
linkadmin / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / November 4, 2022
Masquerade ball and culinary arts in Savremena
Pumpkin Day – a day for imagination and masquerade games
In Savremena, we used autumn to refresh our knowledge about seasonal fruits and vegetables and celebrated Pumpkin Day on this occasion.
In cooperation with the parents and the art teacher, we organised one unique event in Savremena – Pumpkin Day. The event was designed as a masquerade ball in order to boost children’s imagination and give them the opportunity to express themselves and have fun in a completely different way. The whole school was decorated using autumn decorating ideas, and pumpkins of course took a special place in the attractive decor. Students attending the Cambridge programme had the opportunity to learn more about the holiday Halloween, which is a part of children’s upbringing in many Western countries.
Since at Savremena we pay special attention to acquiring life skills, which include cooking as well, we used this day to discover the magic of cooking within the culinary club. The children were delighted with the recipe for the pumpkin pie, which they then prepared by themselves and were thrilled to taste afterwards.
To make this day special, we invited them to bring sweets to school with the idea of exchanging treats with the students from other classes. The exchange of sweets served as a perfect excuse for the children to get to know each other better and make friends among their peers and outside their classes.
In Savremena, we use every opportunity to nurture good, friendly relationships among children and encourage their creativity and free expression, because we are aware of how much social relationships and imagination reflect on the overall development and education of children.