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Life Skills Programme – “What do we say when we don’t speak using words?”
linkadmin / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / November 30, 2022
Life Skills Programme – ``What do we say when we don't speak using words?``
We continue to develop communication skills!
Students of higher grades of Primary School Savremena enjoyed a workshop with the educator Biljana Manić on the topic “What do we say when we don’t speak using words, but using body language, gestures and facial expressions?”
This time, the students learned different styles of communication, but also how different people accept information – is the tone of the voice and manner of speaking important when someone is an auditory type of person, or facial expressions, gestures and visual representation when someone is a visual type of person. All of this was mastered by our students at this workshop, in order to improve their communication skills.
After learning that different information can be conveyed differently to different people, our students moved on to the topic “What are the skills of a persuasive presentation?” They realised that persuasive presentation skills are not only used when presenting some work in front of classmates but also in everyday communication – with friends outside of school, parents and teachers.
This modern programme – Life Skills Programme – enriched the experience of our students and presented them in an interesting way why communication skills are important for the personal and professional development of each individual.