Interesting and instructive: Civic Education and Religious Studies at Savremena

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / April 19, 2021

Interesting and instructive: Civic Education and Religious Studies at Savremena

Elective subjects offer numerous activities to broaden the students’ horizons

In Civics lessons, students attended carefully designed workshops where they learnt about children’s rights and the protection thereof in the modern world. The students used the knowledge gained outside school or in previous Years.

The students who attend Religious Studies learnt about different traditions and cultures, and visited an orthodox church.


Teachers like to say that Civic Education is a smart subject, as it improves the school atmosphere, reduces violence and increases student activity both in and outside school. Students in lower Years learn about emotions and moral judgement, and mostly cover the topic “myself and others”.

In upper Years, they begin to cover issues dealing with the local community and learn about terms, such as citizen, government, state. Among other things, they learn how to understand and interpret media messages. The students learn through workshops, design projects, do research, and realize ideas that are beneficial for the community.

In addition, in Civics lessons the students go beyond school obligations and try to solve a specific situation problem in their surroundings, and define the terms citizen and civic society. Finally, in an outdoor workshop, they covered an extremely important topic – children’s rights.


The goal of Religious Studies is to explore the content of faith and the spiritual experience of traditional churches and religious communities that live and work in our environment; to provide students with a complete religious perspective of the world, and enable them to freely adopt spiritual and life values, and cherish one’s religious and cultural identity.

Lessons are designed to foster a responsible attitude towards sharing a life with members of one’s own people, church or religious community.

The knowledge gained in Religious Studies, primarily through play and conversation, enables students to find answers to many important questions from everyday life. The goal of the subject is to help students build spiritual values, such as faith, love and tolerance, and establish them as the most important life principles that will guide them through life.

In April, students in Years 3 and 4 visited the nearby Church of Saint Demetrius, where they learnt about the history and significance of the church. Moreover, they discussed why it is necessary to do good in life and how to perceive life from the aspect of permanent values.

Tako su u aprilu učenici trećeg i četvrtog razreda bili u poseti obližnjem Hramu Svetog Dimitrija. Jedna od stvari o kojima se razgovaralo, osim o istoriji i značaju hrama, jeste: zašto je potrebno u životu činiti dobro i kako da se na život gleda sa aspekta trajnih vrednosti.