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Interactive get-together in Savremena’s corner at Kids Fair
Sasa Zdravkovic / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / April 10, 2019
Interactive get-together in Savremena’s corner at Kids Fair
Robot race sparked the interest of preschoolers and primary school children alike
Visitors of the 23rd Kids Fair had the opportunity to see what the acquisition of new knowledge with the application of the state-of-the-art technology in education looks like, as well as to mingle with other children, have fun and develop a healthy competitive spirit. The children were able to operate robots and compete in robot races, while their parents enjoyed useful and engaging content prepared for them.
Operating robots a huge hit among children
The three-day festivities for toddlers, preschoolers and primary school children expectedly caught the attention of both children, and their parents. The stand of Primary School Savremena attracted the interest of a huge crowd, and children waited in line to try out some of the available gadgets.
Primary School Savremena was one of the sponsors of this year’s Kids Fair, and the youngest visitors had the opportunity to operate robots and compete among themselves in Savremena’s corner, among other things. Stefan patiently waited for his turn:
“I’ve never operated a robot, and I’d like to try controlling the white, dancing one.”
Rastko, aged 7, had some experience with innovative gadgets, and he waited at Savremena’s stand to take a shot at robot controls:
“I operated two drones with a joystick, and I also like LEGO robots. But, I’ve never operated a robot, and I can’t wait to try”, said he excitedly.
Useful and interesting for parents as well
All preschoolers who visited the Fair were given interesting educational puzzles as gifts, while their parents got the handbook How to Survive Enrolment in the First Grade, and a chance to do a free online test in order to discover which type of intelligence is most pronounced in their child and consequently, which approach to learning best suits their child.
We met a preschooler Mihajlo in front of the Savremena stand:
“I saw awesome robots and I think this fair is great and we need more things like that.”
The great interest parents and children expressed for our stand at the Fair proves that Savremena is truly different; Savremena presented innovativeness, expertise of its teaching staff, variety of the teaching materials, state-of-the-art equipment and the importance of applying modern technologies in education.
“I like everything, because I’m a technology geek. I especially like the robots and I’d love to go to a school like this”, said 7-year-old Irena.
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