/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / November 14, 2020

Global education week at savremena – it's time for research

Savremena’s students research important dates and enrich their knowledge

Global Education Week took place 16–21 November at Primary School Savremena. It is a world-wide awareness-raising initiative and a call to rethink our world together, using global education as a tool for solidarity and change.

During this eventful week, the idea was to re-examine our habits and lifestyles and find new education and socialisation patterns so as to contribute to a more sustainable and egalitarian world.


Savremena’s teachers designed a rich program for this week. Some of the activities proposed to the students included creating calendars in the form of web tools. The main theme was family, and the participants analysed what’s important for the functioning of a healthy family.

In groups, students researched topics such as healthy lifestyle, good relations and respect between the members, clean environment, good education and financial stability. The students were referred to relevant literature and websites, and took part in discussions in which they expressed their opinion on what makes a strong family.

Afterwards, each student researched important dates (Children’s Week, International Day of the Girl, International Men’s Day, Mother’s Day, World Water Day, Earth Day, International Literacy Day, International Day for Tolerance, etc.). They entered their findings into the e-diary, which they created together with their teachers.

Peer education highlights children’s rights and obligations

One of the activities referred to peer education. Year 6 students were tasked to do research on children’s rights and obligations and make a presentation and lecture on the topic. The sixth-graders then gave a lesson on said topic for junior students, whose task was to design a board and think of lectures on behaviour at school, which they presented to their older schoolmates.
Peer education has proven to be an excellent learning method.

It includes the presentation aspect, whereby activities are performed in a new and interesting fashion. In addition, it focuses on revision through problem solving. Traditional in-class teaching cannot compare to group discussions, comments and brainstorming, which are integral aspects of this teaching method.

Below you can see their calendar with the initial ideas and the monthly framework of planned activities. The students did all of this on their own!