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Due to great interest, enrolment for students in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 begins
Sasa Zdravkovic / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / April 17, 2019
Due to great interest, enrolment for students in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 begins
Due to great interest and the parents’ desire to enrol their children in senior grades of Primary School Savremena, we have decided to initiate the enrolment process for students of Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 as well.
This way, parents whose children attend senior grades of primary school will also be able to provide their children with the most state-of-the-art education in the region. In addition, parents who have two or more children will be able to enrol them in the same school and make sure they get an education to the highest standards. And all that under preferential terms.
The formation of optimum size classes is underway, so reserve your place on time »
What does testing for enrolment in senior grades look like?
To make the transition to Savremena to you and your child as comfortable as possible, the documents and procedures needed for the transfer have been simplified to the greatest extent.
Testing is done in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, and serves as a starting point in the assessment of the affinities, personality type, learning style, capabilities and talents of your child. In other words, testing is not eliminatory, but helps teachers to learn as much as possible about future students.
Based on the initial testing, the teaching process is adapted to the needs and abilities of your child, which produces the best results. Every student is assigned a “personal gradebook” thanks to which teachers and parents have a complete insight into the student’s progress throughout their education at Savremena.
So, whether you opt for the National or Combined Programme, it will be customised to fit the needs and affinities of your child, which will allow him/her to make progress and produce the best academic results.
Optimum size classes for the best results
The initial test is also important because it allows us to find the best possible class for your child. Based on the test results, we will form optimum size classes with a limited number of students. Each class comprises students with complementary traits, personality types and abilities, a group of individuals that will encourage each other to thrive, in a friendly and supportive atmosphere .
Your child now has access to world-class education at the most favourable terms
Thanks to open enrolment for students in Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, you too can now enrol your child in the most state-of-the-art school in the region and make sure they get a world-class education. Prestigious education is available for only €258 per month.
Don’t forget that these special prices and a 44% discount apply only by 31 December, after which regular tuition fees will apply.
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