Ekološke radionice u Savremenoj

Check out Savremena’s green school: Little environmentalists in a recycling workshop

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / September 18, 2019

Check out Savremena’s green school: Little environmentalists in a recycling workshop

This week at Savremena is dedicated to environmental conservation. The little environmentalists enjoyed themselves while learning everything about recycling and its importance for the world we live in.

What’s a pulper and what’s it used for – students as researchers

When they entered the classroom, the students found a pulper, a recycling machine on the desk, and the biology teacher brought a milk carton, sieve, mixing spoon and other materials to the class. The curious students kept asking:

                          “What has she got for us today?”

The teacher prepared an interesting experiment in an interactive workshop using a pulper machine so the students could see how milk carton is recycled, and even got to try the machine on their own. They were surprised by the fact that milk cartons are made from cardboard, aluminium foil and paper, and that we can obtain a sheet of paper from them.

Radionica reciklaže

By participating in every step of the preparation process, the students learnt that nature recycles products made from natural materials and thus sustains itself, and that this conservation process is quite simple – which made a great impression on one 4th-grade student:

I am an environmentalist as of today! I am amazed about everything that has to be done to get a single sheet of paper, but I’m also happy to learn that this process helps preserve forests. It’s awesome that our school is eco-friendly, so we use tablets and save used paper for recycling.

“We use e-notebooks and recycle!”

This educational workshop taught Savremena’s students that they are the representatives of a new generation, and that planet Earth is home to all of us. The interactive lesson helped in the development of the students’ attention and raised their environmental awareness. New insight into recycling and environmental science changed their perspective on nature and inspired care about natural resources.
The role of the e-notebook at Savremena is simple because it:

  • Saves paper;
  • Improves concentration;
  • Personalises learning.
Podizanje ekološke svesti kod dece

Everyone at Savremena is mindful of the rational use of paper in order to save forests, and replacing paper notebooks and books with tablets is just one of the environmentally-friendly methods which make Savremena a leading school in the region.

Recycling workshop for raising environmental awareness and developing naturalist intelligence

Taking care of the environment for a shared future – this is the motto of our primary school students, and the first recycling workshop is just the first step toward achieving one of our goals:

  • Love of nature and the desire to conserve and protect it.

Our little students took active part in the recycling workshop, and the teacher encouraged them to work together and find a solution for environmental problems they were given, thus achieving the primary teaching aim – linking the acquired knowledge and the practical aspect of learning.

  • This way, children learn to care of the environment and apply knowledge acquired in school in real-life situations.

Savremena implements the Gardner concept of multiple intelligences, and workshops organised for students stimulate the development of one of eight types of intelligences – naturalist or nature smart intelligence which reveals the child’s preferences toward certain sciences – biology, anthropology, botany, etc. from an early age.

Zelena škola

Paperless school and preparations for a big surprise organised by our students

Environmental orientation is nurtured wholeheartedly at Savremena through various workshops, shared activities and projects. From the very first day, students are taught to promote and assist in the conservation and protection of the environment in specially designed lessons.

To prove it, our students are preparing a big surprise that won’t leave anyone indifferent. If you follow up the work and activities of our students, you will find out what the little geniuses are up to.

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