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Award to Heroes in Education
linkadmin / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / November 30, 2022
Award to heroes in education
The President of the LINK edu Alliance presented the award to heroes in education within the ``LINK edu Alliance Heroes in Education`` Fund
LINKgroup established the “LINK edu Alliance Heroes in Education” Fund with the aim of helping students, schools, principals, teachers and non-teaching staff – heroes – to overcome obstacles in their efforts to provide students with quality education as a universal human right and a prerequisite for the successful functioning of people and society.
The first hero in education is the teacher Danijel Davitković from the “Bora Stanković” Primary School in Tibužde. Despite the difficult conditions of his journey to the school and class where Miloš is the only student, Danijel found ways to introduce Miloš to digital technologies and provide him with the knowledge that he could not have had otherwise (he carried a projector and a PS case with him, and traveled 20 km by bus, motorcycle and 6 km on foot every day in one direction). Miloš Jović, an amazing, kind-hearted fourth-grader, is the only student in the class in the village of Koćura. Danijel and his student Miloš were guests of our alliance and had the opportunity to hang out with our teachers and students in Primary School Savremena, Savremena Gimnazija and the Information Technology High School – ITHS. Danijel and Miloš also visited the LINK edu Alliance’s headquarters. On that occasion, Professor Dr Valentin Kuleto presented them with plaques and gifts for the heroes, as well as for other students and the school.
The Fund helps individuals and schools in the fight against educational poverty. The Fund’s work is supported and enhanced by the contribution of students, teachers, parents and friends who make up “LINK kidZ & Youth Without Borders Community Club” and share the goals and values of the Fund.