Year 3 students qualify for the municipal mathematics competition

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / February 22, 2022

Year 3 students qualify for the municipal mathematics competition


Savremena’s students recently took part in a school mathematics competition. The following 3 achieved notable results: Daria Denisova, Petar Stamenić, Maksim Joksimović, Vojin Janjušević and Itan Hejs. Their results enabled them to qualify for the municipal competition that will take place on Sunday, 20 February, at the “Borislav Pekić” primary school.

It is no surprise that mathematics is among Savremena’s students favourite subjects, given that maths lessons are always interactive, unusual, and based on real-life situations. This is why our primary students never fail to achieve top results in official competitions.

Students love maths lessons at Savremena

Maths lessons at Savremena aim to encourage problem solving, intuition, critical thinking, and creativity.

This is why we use educational technology designed to enable children to not only enjoy the subject, but also to develop highly important skills they will find useful later on in their life and career!

Third-graders, good luck in the municipal competition!

All students at Primary School Savremena are versatile, curious, and successful in various fields. Therefore, we have no doubt that the little mathematicians who qualified for the municipal competition will prepare well and shine in the next round!

Congratulations to Darija, Petar, Maksim, Vojin and Itan, and good luck on Sunday!