World Read Aloud Day – students read poems by famous poets
Sasa Zdravkovic / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / February 4, 2021
World Read Aloud Day – students read poems by famous poets
Reading enhances listening skills, enriches vocabulary and introduces children to the world of literature
Reading and listening belongs to everyone, and the power of sharing stories becomes even greater when reading aloud. It is with these ideas that Primary School Savremena celebrated World Read Aloud Day on 3 February, using the peer tutoring method.
During the 2nd period, two senior class students, Elena and Vanja, read poems and texts written by Duško Radović to their schoolmates in Year 1.

The poems included some of Radović’s most beautiful works: Do you Believe Me?, The Blue Bunny and Little Fingers. The little ones were delighted, curious to learn more about the poets and poems. They said that this way, the poems were clearer and even more interesting. There is no doubt that for many of the students, some of these poems will be among the dearest childhood memories. Reading aloud not only enhances the power of reading as a cognitive process, but it also has a social purpose, allowing the children to have both a subjective and shared experience.
Junior class students responded well to peer tutoring, showing an openness for cooperation, work and creativity. Although many of them had a well-rounded perspective on the importance of reading, peer tutoring enabled them to have first-hand insight into why literature matters from their slightly older friends.

According to experts, reading aloud is the key method for developing a reading habit. It also makes the reading process more active. While listening, kids think about people, places and situations they haven’t met or experienced. The narrative of a poem or story is at the centre of the child’s attention and a source of a useful and exciting experience. This also expands the students’ vocabulary and introduces them to the richness and beauty of language. In addition, the method prevents reading difficulties. Reading aloud develops children’s imagination and critical thinking skills, and it’s particularly valuable when combined with a discussion.
This day is particularly important because reading aloud is an important moment of sharing between the parent and the child.
World Read Aloud Day is an opportunity for people around the world to celebrate the joy of reading aloud and advocate for literacy as a fundamental human right. Over the past ten years, this day has turned into a global movement of millions of students, writers and young people around the world united in celebrating the joy and power of reading and storytelling.
One of the messages promoted by World Read Aloud Day is that we should read aloud to children whenever possible and that every child has a right to an education.