World Food Day celebrated at Savremena

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / October 18, 2021

World Food Day celebrated at Savremena

Raising awareness on health through smiles and play

Across the globe, 16 October is known as the World Food Day. Savremena primary students celebrated this day by playing games and educating themselves with the aim of raising awareness on the importance of a healthy and proper diet. They had a chance to meet a nutritionist, make healthy pancakes, and learn lots of things.


During their Civic education lesson, Savremena primary students were informed about the celebration of the World Food Day. They learned what a healthy diet really means, which foods are considered healthy, and what our food habits are. They discussed whether people eat healthy only in order to look nice (to be able to wear their favorite dress, pants…), or whether they choose healthy groceries because of their health.

The young ones had a chance to meet Nevena Puzović, a nutritionist, who gave them a list of groceries they should use in all meals, and she highlighted the process of making a diet plan, i.e. a list of foods that should be on our menu so that we could be healthy and beautiful.

After the lecture, students asked various questions that mostly concerned the foods that we should eat during exercise and strenuous physical activity. Besides, they gained information about how much water our body needs, and their doubts on different widespread shakes and smoothies were resolved.


A nice day deserves a bit of sugar as well, and it is a well-known fact that children adore sweets, which are often unhealthy and full of sugar, sweeteners and artificial food additives. Savremena chefs were hardworking and they made lots of healthy buckwheat pancakes and proved that it is possible to make a healthy choice when they want to eat something sweet.

They were the cutest as they tried the desserts. Believe our word, the pancakes were more than delicious because they were made with lots of love, from the heart.

Being an eco-school, Savremena underlines the importance of raising awareness on health, ecology, self-care and care for the environment. Through continual education and a set of contemporary activities we contribute to awareness-raising.

Take a look at how Nađa Stanković and Lea Arsić, class V-2 students, made a presentation, and how other students made a poster and presented what was the most important thing they learned on World Food Day.

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