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Who joined students in the celebration of Pumpkin Day and in the making of “scary” decorations?

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / November 1, 2019

Who joined students in the celebration of Pumpkin Day and in the making of “scary” decorations?

The colour orange reigned supreme in the study hubs of Savremena students, masks and “scary” decorations little artisans designed to celebrate Pumpkin Day on 31 October.One unexpected visitor joined the festivities – “malicious” Maleficent walked in wearing her recognisable garb: horns, long black dress and a staff with a green crystal.


Our Maleficent may have looked evil and scary, but she was actually good and funny. She helped students to make decorations, eat the pumpkin pie and other fruit, and told them about Pumpkin Day and Halloween together with the teacher.

Art club with Maleficent: Through imagination to magical pumpkins

Members of the art club had an interesting task – to create as many Halloween-related decorations from paper. Pumpkins, lanterns and other decorations adorn their classrooms during the holidays, and they proved their skill by adopting this new art technique with ease. Students used paper and cardboard, and relied on their imagination for the rest.

“Scary” masks created by second graders even managed to scare Maleficent, whereas fourth graders succeeded in thawing the heart of this “evil fairy”.

“This is the first time I’m celebrating Pumpkin Day and I love it – everything is so beautiful and full of colours! And we’re going to have a masquerade ball! I came up with a super scary costume and I can’t wait to show it to my friends.”

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We are a brave team and we make scary masks: Savremena’s team for building confidence

Our school clubs, workshops, curricular and extracurricular activities allow students to learn on practical examples and in various environments which encourage them to ask questions. Thus they didn’t shy away from asking various questions to Maleficent, and her answers helped to draw a unanimous conclusion – how not to be afraid and how to build confidence.

Pumpkin Day celebrations continue today – extensive preparations for the first Halloween party at Savremena are underway, and what costumes shall the students and their parents wear, who will be awarded for the most creative costume, and whether the atmosphere at the party will be friendly or “creepy” – we will learn tonight!

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