What’s on your Christmas wish list?

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / December 30, 2022

What’s on your Christmas wish list?

Holidays in the spirit of giving

During the year, we devoted English as a Second Language classes to learning grammar, syntax and vocabulary – that’s why we left the most interesting activities for the end of the first school term.


VI-1 students had a challenging task before them – to make a presentation on what a wishlist is and how to best present their wishes in the spirit of the upcoming New Year and Christmas holidays. Expressing wishes, whether small or big, required the students to stop and think about what it is that they wish for themselves and others in the coming year.

The wishlist of our students had to be clear and precise so that Santa wouldn’t get confused. Our sixth graders didn’t lack creativity so they added to their list many things such as fluffy puppies, consoles, sweets, trips and concerts. We are also delighted by so many wonderful wishes for world peace, the health of all people on the planet and beautiful friendships.

We are proud of the efforts of our students, and we sincerely wish them to fulfil all their wishes and to write wonderful life chapters in the coming new year!

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