We celebrated the International Day of Peace and the International Day of Democracy through play and art
linkadmin / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / September 29, 2022
We celebrated the International Day of Peace and the International Day of Democracy through play and art
Students at Savremena learn about democracy and peace in a creative way
The International Day of Peace and the International Day of Democracy are important dates for us and they present an opportunity to bring our students at Savremena closer to the values that can make this world better and more beautiful for everyone. Through drama workshops, we explored what role these concepts have played throughout history and what they imply today.
During the after-school care, Savremena’s second graders had great fun at the drama workshop which covered the topic of the International Day of Democracy. They disguised themselves and they played many different roles such as queen, sultan, pharaoh, president, pilot and others of their choice. In order to bring the concept of democracy closer to them, we divided them into two groups – one represented the monarchy and the other the republic. While preparing for the play, the students researched their characters and thus spontaneously learned interesting historical facts.

When it comes to the International Day of Peace, fourth graders prepared a play on the topic of peace based on the text called Motivational story about peace. They took their roles seriously and through the conversation about peace and the boy’s idea from the text about how to eradicate wars in the world and establish peace, everyone shared their idea of how to make the world a better place. We are sure that they will always remember this play as an inspiration to continue striving for values that contribute to saving peace.
At Primary School Savremena, each day we encourage our students to cooperate, communicate and accept differences through play and various creative activities and workshops so they had no difficulties understanding such complex concepts as democracy.