Visit to the cinema for the winners of the “Community Development” project
Sasa Zdravkovic / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / January 26, 2021
Visit to the cinema for the winners of the “Community Development” project
Year 5 students chose a film tailored to their age group
In January, students in class V-2, who achieved the best result in the “Community Development” project, were given the opportunity to choose an activity as their prize.
The students opted for the Seventh Art and enjoyed a film in the local cinema.
In early November, Savremena launched the “Community Development” project in senior Years, designed to raise the students’ awareness about their community and help them contribute to it. Class V-2 proved to be the one with the best sense of community and team spirit. With their proposal on how to organise a charity event, mutual respect, nonviolent conflict solving, and excellent skills in most subjects, this class claimed victory in the first month of the competition.

A cool scoreboard, designed to resemble those in basketball arenas, displayed the score for everyone to see in the school hallway. This was also an incentive for the rest of the competition.
The winners were given the chance to choose between three prizes: a visit to the cinema, the Chocolate Museum, or the Selfie Museum.

In January, they opted for the cinema and enjoyed a film in the local Cineplexx. The students organised a vote to decide which film they were going to see, ultimately opting for one of the most interesting films tailored to their age group.
The students believe that “Community Development” is a truly important project for their confidence and behaviour.
We congratulate class V-2 on their performance and their class teacher Ira Tuba for the way she managed the project. Of course, the students will continue to earn points until the end of the school year. They might win again; or perhaps a different class will claim their spot.
This project contributed to a dynamic atmosphere in the school. The students made nice gestures for others and cleaned classrooms, both their own and their schoolmates’ as well. Of course, it goes without saying that they received abundant points for their knowledge.
The students got points for their academic results and participation in school competitions, but also for the tidiest classroom and altruism. On the other hand, points were taken away for poor marks, tardiness, negative interaction with friends, or untidiness. Finally, the classes designed crests that were placed above the classroom entrance.