Springtime at Savremena: Storks, bees and myths – an exhibition by Savremena’s artists

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Uncategorized / March 30, 2021

Springtime at Savremena: Storks, bees and myths – an exhibition by Savremena’s artists

Flowery exhibition celebrating youth, joy and life at the school

The spring winds are spreading scents that give us life energy; the storks are coming back from the south, the bees are busy as ever, and the flowers are blossoming in the meadows. These are the picturesque scenes which the students of the truly different school depicted in the exhibition Springtime at Savremena.

Children always delight us in creative lessons when they find themselves in front of a white piece of paper. They use colour palettes to create miracles. This time they depicted the spring bird migration. When the first storks coming from the south are seen above the roofs, we know that spring is upon us. And some pieces in this spring exhibition are large, striking images of storks.


One of the works is in the form of a silhouette of a woman, in a dress made of spring flowers. Her face is not clearly visible, which suggests that she is a symbol of spring. Perhaps it’s Vesna – the Slavic goddess of spring and fertility, and the personification of morning, birth and youth.

Around the silhouette are red and yellow flowers with buzzing bees – a true conceptual piece adorning the exhibition space. The kids also learnt that the Serbian word vesnik comes from the mythical name Vesna.

Some works depict swallows flying over a meadow. And then there are air balloons made using an interesting paper technique (resembling a pop-up book) that remind us that nice weather can be used to enjoy flying. And flying is a symbol of freedom boosted by spring.

The kids then remembered the link between first-graders and bees. Namely, there is a well-known analogy in which smart little heads are identified with bees, a symbol of dedicated work that results in sweet fruits. In many poems first-graders are identified with bees, as suggested by one of the exhibits through striking colours.


Awakened nature and sunshine always go together; a feature of springtime. As we look at nature – snowdrops, daisies, and violets – we can’t help but think of other things this season brings. In Savremena’s creative workshops, practical work is always accompanied by a conversation on the topic.

This time, the primary students gave interesting and smart answers to the question – What does spring bring, apart from flowers? Some mentioned longer days, others said lighter clothes, more time outdoors, a better appetite, and spending time with friends. And some students thought of a really important thing: falling in love.

In the name of all the joys that this season brings, let’s recall the famous poem Spring written by one of the favourite poets of children and adults, Miroslav Mika Antić:

Sad sunce, eno,
kao vreteno
ispreda gradom
nešto šareno
i – miriše.

Reci mi zašto
s tobom u hodu
odjednom danas
govorim tiše
i zašto misli
nekud odu,
pa samo trepćem
i ništa više?

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