Serbian language quiz at Savremena

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / June 22, 2022

Serbian language quiz at Savremena

Mother tongue knowledge revision

Last few weeks of the school year the students of the fifth grade spent revising their Serbian language in a fun way through a quiz. Thanks to nice weather, they enjoyed the event put on in their school yard, which very much resembled those professional ones.

The quiz was created by teacher Marina Gava with assistance provided by her colleagues Marija Šaponjić, Marija Bunjevčev and Branka Milićević, together with generous support of teacher Miloš Petrović.

Boosting competitiveness

Verb categories-related knowledge required prompt responses while students organised in groups took turns to answer. Our students found this form of subject revision lessons very interesting and dynamic, as they always enjoy competitions and are proud to demonstrate their knowledge.

Our Serbian teachers always look for ways to incorporate innovative teaching and learning methods which make lessons rich in content and resources. Quizzes are a great way to step outside the usual teaching practice as they enhance students’ motivation to learn and competitiveness when it comes to showcasing what they have learnt. Thus, quizzes are frequently incorporated in our teaching practice.

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