Savremena students shines in the oratorical contest finals

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / December 27, 2021

Savremena students shines in the oratorical contest finals

Another award to add to our collection and an applause to remember

Savremena student, Mateja Baketarić, has made us proud once again. After qualifying among the best eight orators in the oratorical contest, he shone on the stage, and won a special award for expressiveness and articulacy on stage.

Mateja Baketarić represented Savremena Elementary School in the finals of the oratorical contest with his oration Teamseas as a social phenomenon, and won the award for expressiveness and articulacy on stage. If only you could hear the applause and oration! The reactions that Mateja aroused in the audience were memorable.

Apart from enjoying public speaking, Mateja truly loves oratory and regularly practices his speeches in front of an audience. He presented his oration about global marine pollution with great expressiveness and articulacy, which struck home with the audience, earning him a long applause in this famous memorial.

Mateja never misses meetings of the oratory, acting and reciting school club, run by Jasmina Franolić and Marija Šaponjić. The club is designed as an oratory school where students can find rhetorical arguments to support their claims, thus developing their persuasion skills which are important for public appearance, journalism, political science, while at the same time strengthening their ethical principles and the love of acting and art in general.


U Savremenoj se prijateljstvo neguje i raduje nas što učenici jedni druge podstiču da budu bolji i uspešniji kako u nastavnim, tako i u vannastavnim aktivnostima. Najdraže nam je kada prepoznamo vršnjačku podršku i iskreno navijanje bez obzira na to da li je neko od savremenih mališana ostvario uspeh na literarnom, sportskom, plesnom takmičenju ili takmičenju u besedništvu. Uspesi ih motivišu, a prijateljstvo postaje snažnije.

Matejin uspeh izazvao je iskrenu sreću u Savremenoj i probudio želju kod drugih učenika da rade na svojim talentima. U ovom trenutku drugi mališani su se ohrabrili da se oprobaju na nekom od takmičenja.

Pored vršnjačke podrške, tu je i podrška učitelja i nastavnika Savremene, jer oni svakog dana osluškuju želje i potrebe svojih učenika i bezrezervno im pomažu na putu do uspeha.

Zato je Savremena stvarno drugačije mesto na kom su deca istinski srećna.