Savremena continues with its achievements even during the state of emergency
Sasa Zdravkovic / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / April 13, 2020
Savremena continues with its achievements even during the state of emergency
A presentation on the modern, interactive and technologically-supported education methods implemented at Primary School Savremena was the focal point of the first international online education conference entitled Contemporary Education 2020, held on 3 April.
Saša Ivakić, ICT professor at the most modern school in the country and the region, presented the benefits of using Class VR and 9D Starship in class. In front of 40 attendees from five countries and a science board comprising 13 Doctors of Science, Saša presented the results of using these tools, which indicate both the positive impact on elevating student interest and motivation and the development of empirical learning skills.
Professor Ivakić stated that, in addition to the creative approach to teaching, VR devices have proven to be excellent teaching aids for students attending the bilingual National and Cambridge programmes.
The most important education congress in the region

The conference was organised by the Serbian Alliance of Educators and the Institute for Contemporary Education, with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia and the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities – National Communities of Vojvodina, as well as other leading educational institutions in the country and the region.
The Serbian experts were joined by their colleagues from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and France, who discussed the practical and theoretical aspects of teaching. The attendees exchanged experiences and insight regarding the current and future trends in education in Serbia and other countries in the region.
Primary School Savremena received high praise for their work so far, and full support to continue with the same approach to education in the future.
“I have nothing but praise for the organisers for managing to reorganise this event ad hoc in these difficult circumstances! We have seen in practice how important a modern approach and technological innovation is for all of us dealing with education in various contexts”, said Milica Dimitrijević from the Department of Pedagogy at the Faculty of Philosophy, while Zorana Matičević from the Patrijarh Pavle High School and the Third Belgrade High School added:
“I am really pleased. You’ve brought together excellent teachers and presenters, people who have something to say. It has been instructive and interesting! Good luck in your future endeavours”.
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