FIRST LEGO League Explore
linkadmin / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / May 27, 2022
FIRST LEGO League Explore
Osvojili smo i zaslužene medalje
Savremena Primary School hosted and co-organized the FIRST LEGO League Explore festival, which was held in Serbia for the first time. The festival welcomed teams from all over Serbia, which diligently prepared for several months and presented their projects on the given topic on Saturday before the expert jury – Radoznalci (Spectators). The judges rated and provided recommendations for future work to the mentors who worked with children and prepared them for the competition through feedback lists.
The FIRST LEGO League is a global program that presents science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) to children through the use of didactic materials and LEGO Education sets, allowing children to have fun while solving problems.

Participating in this competition, children get the opportunity to enter the world of programming in style
The main aim of the festival is to introduce students to the world of robotics and programming in a creative and engaging way that involves LEGO sets, allowing them to transform their ideas and imagination into a complex project which, apart from being a fun game, opens the doors to the world of programming.
The FIRST LEGO League Explore is just the first step and an introduction to the next stage of the competition – Challenge, in which students have a more serious task of programming LEGO robots to overcome certain obstacles.
Savremena did not just host the event, but competed in it as well
We participated in the festival not just as organizers and hosts of this global event, but also as contestants. Two teams defended the colors of our school, Savremenci, which included Year 3 and 4 students, and Savremeni genijalci, which included Year 1 and 2 students.
Both teams did great, and we never doubted it would be otherwise. Students made us proud, as always, and deserved the medals and awards for their effort and commitment, and as an incentive to continue in this direction in the future.