One more humanitarian bazaar open at Savremena

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / December 24, 2021

One more humanitarian bazaar open at Savremena

Savremena's primary school students showed love for children without parental care

The holiday atmosphere makes us feel so good, loved and creates the sense of belonging. Savremena students have decided to demonstrate their humane character by taking the initiative and organising one more humanitarian bazaar. Their intention was to show children who have no parents that there is someone who thinks and cares about them.

If there is something that will mark this school year, it will surely be the humanity of Savremena children with a heart of gold because in the course of only one school term they have managed to organise two humanitarian bazaars.

The previous bazaar was in the spirit of the children’s week, while this latest one was inspired by festive atmosphere and holiday magic.


Whatever Savremena children do, they do it with love, and when something is created out of love it is inevitable that the feeling is felt and that the outcome is admired by all.

Our young artists displayed their seasonal greeting cards, Christmas tree decorations and art works, enabling visitors to buy these creations till 30 December.

Savremena visitors, that is our students’ parents, can choose among children’s works and in return they can leave sweets or money to buy New Year presents for parentless children.


Savremena students are children, but they have already realised that a family is a basic unit of a society which provides solid grounds for each child to build and create their life in the future. Family is the place where children learn values for life, they feel loved and protected.

It is a devastating fact that an increasing number of children are growing up without parents which results later on their emotional stability. The topic often discussed at Savremena is the one on the importance of a family and embracing true values. That is the reason why Savemena children give their best and by themselves initiate spreading the idea on how important a family is.

Our students are eager to see that, thanks to their bazaar, New Year’s packages are sent to parentless children.

Let’s look up to children. They are so sincere and filled with love. Let us be the same!