Nađa’s equestrian medal and Tara’s poetry award: Seventh-grade students achieved recognition!

/ / V-VIII / November 1, 2023

Nađa's equestrian medal and Tara's poetry award: Seventh-grade students achieved recognition!

Congratulations to Nađa and Tara on their achievements!

The successes of our students are almost a daily occurrence! On this occasion, we highlight two achievements of our seventh-grade students.


Student Nađa Stanković (VII-2) trains in horseback riding at the “Infinity” equestrian club. Although she has been training for just under a year, Nađa won two medals last weekend in show jumping in the 60 cm and 80 cm categories at the Novi Sad Fair. She says that participating in this competition brought her immense satisfaction and she is very proud of her horse, Uran. In addition to horseback riding, Nađa also trains in volleyball and is a hard-working student at our school with straight A’s.

Our student Tara Ponjević (VII-1) took part in a literary competition organised by the Association Friends of Children of Novi Beograd. The contest was announced in early September of this year in celebration of Children’s Week. Students from primary and secondary schools were invited to participate and the assigned topics were “Veliko srce dece Srbije” and “Moje srce – moja porodica”. Tara won second place with a poem dedicated to her family and we present it to you in its entirety:

Moje srce – moja porodica

Kad ujutro rano ustanem,
često pomislim da odustanem,
svaki put u sobu uđe nasmejana mama,
koja mi uvek unese radost dana
i ja tada znam da nikad nisam sama.

I tada se polako budi moj tata,
koji užurbano budi moga mlađeg brata.
Porodica je sad pri doručku na okupu
i svi smo kao jedno u matematičkom skupu.

Svako svojim dnevnim obavezama ide,
ali reč-dve se još kaže pride.
Dok na ulaznim vratima stojim,
u svojoj glavi već popodnevne planove krojim.

S kim ću se videti, gde ići, šta obući,
to je sve tako nebitno jer – vratiću se kući.
A kod kuće moje srce neprestano kuca,
to je ono kad mama misli na tebe i štuca!

I ma gde god da odem, odletim,
uvek mi je toplo u srcu kad se samo setim:
Svet je veliki za mene, jednu pticu,
a još je veći kad se vratim u moju porodicu!

Regularly following and participating in contests is a common activity of the Reading Club at Savremena.

Congratulations to Nađa and Tara on their achievements!