Magic of sincere wishes at Savremena

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / December 22, 2021

Magic of sincere wishes at Savremena

We wish happiness to all people in the world

Winter is the time of year when we celebrate the most joyous holidays – New Year’s and Christmas. New Year’s euphoria connects us and brings an idyllic atmosphere, laughter, positive energy and love. It is in these moments that we realise how important it is to share love and good wishes all year round.

Yesterday, during one of the lessons at Savremena Primary school a workshop was carried out. The workshop entitled A wish, whose authors were education counselor Marija Bunjevčev and psychologist Milena Tarbuk, was conducted with the students of 5-1 and 5-2 classes with the aim to encourage development of the idea of collectivity – that we all belong to one and only nation on the planet, and exactly because of that we should send best New Year wishes to all people across the globe.

While one of the workshop aims was to spur children to think of good deeds and empathy, the other one was to encourage imagination and creativity.


When it comes to Savremena Primary students and the lessons they attend – one thing is sure: there is always a huge amount of positive energy and good mood. That’s the key to each successful workshop.

Savremena students have proved to be good in many disciplines, but creativity is something at which they excel. Once again they were up to the task; they sent us wonderful wishes from the heart, which they put up in the display area in the school hallway.

Since early childhood children acquire and develop various skills. What we put a lot of emphasis on at Savremena is encouraging empathy, the ability to understand the world from another person’s perspective as well as to understand and feel other people’s emotions. Having in mind the wishes the Savremena five-graders expressed, we can tell that they will grow up to be caring and sensitive people.  

Being able to express emotions is a great gift and not a sign of weakness. Emotionally intelligent people can make this world a better place. We don’t doubt that Savremena Primary school students will succeed in such a mission as they have been making the world beautiful now.