Learning about geography and art in a more engaging way

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / March 25, 2022

Learning about geography and art in a more engaging way

Through creativity to new knowledge of volcanoes

For Savremena’s students, having fun while learning is something they are accustomed to. This time, fifth-graders  had the task of making miniatures of volcanoes in art lessons, using various materials: plastic bottles, clay, cotton wool, cardboard, tempera and watercolors. As they demonstrated their skills and creativity making miniatures, they also learned a lot about volcanoes, and how they shape the landscape on our planet.  

The integration of geography and art education in the form of a demonstration lecture was held with students of V-1 class. By making miniatures of volcanoes, students had the opportunity to learn about parts of a volcano, how their function, how they are distributed around the planet, and if there are any active volcanoes left on Earth.

The teacher introduced students to the way of presenting projects in the introductory part of the lesson, and gave them some time to form groups and prepare themselves.

Student groups presented their miniatures of the active volcanoes: Tambora, Krakatoa, Vesuvius, and Etna, and shared some facts about each of them with their classmates.

After the presentation, students shared their critical opinions on the presented model of each group. The art teacher questioned students about the materials used to build the miniatures, while the geography teacher explained the parts of a volcano and how they function to each group.

The lesson ended with a summary of students’ impressions, and review of the teaching unit covered. Students agreed that this approach to teaching is far more engaging, and facilitates the acquisition of new knowledge.

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