Konstantin, Kosta, Kole, Koki… Happy birthday, your friends love you!
Sasa Zdravkovic / / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / May 20, 2020
Konstantin, Kosta, Kole, Koki… Happy birthday, your friends love you!
Another great online celebration at Primary School Savremena. First-grader Konstantin Petrović celebrated his eighth birthday and his classmates from I-1 gave him a wonderful surprise.
Namely, while attending a lesson during a video call, they sang “Happy Birthday” to him and showed him the drawings they made just for him. Some students drew by hand, others used modern technology, but all the drawings were made with lots of care, patience and love.

These little works of art contain birthday messages and we can see how much his classmates love the birthday boy from the plethora of nicknames they gave him, Kosta, Kole, Koki… All these messages reached the heart of a first-grader, Konstantin Petrović.
We wish Konstantin a happy birthday, good health and plenty of happiness.
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