International Day for Tolerance at Savremena: Important lessons we don’t neglect!

/ / I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII, Vannastavna podrška / November 16, 2023

International Day for Tolerance at Savremena: Important lessons we don't neglect!

Workshops where we have fun and learn

Our students are highly motivated when it comes to participating in interactive workshops, so we take every opportunity to mark significant international dates.

During their civic education classes, students from higher grades participated in a workshop with the school’s pedagogue, where they shed light on the topic of tolerance in various ways. Through interesting discussions and active participation, our students reflected on what tolerance encompasses and how we apply it in practice.

Walking in someone else's shoes

The most interesting experience was the “Walking in Someone Else’s Shoes” workshop, where students simulated different situations requiring a high threshold of tolerance. Highlighting the importance of this topic, the pedagogue discussed discrimination and discriminatory behaviour with the students.

Lower grades students, along with their teachers, prepared interactive panels where they showed their creativity by reflecting on tolerance and providing recommendations for maintaining tolerance.

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