Important discussion on health and physical education
milica.ostojic / / I-IV, V-VIII / December 8, 2023
Important discussion on health and physical education
Towards a stronger future for our little ones
This meeting represented an important step toward enhancing the future of students by focusing on the significance of physical education and health in the school system.
On Wednesday, 6 December 2023, Primary School Savremena participated in the fifth public parent meeting titled “The importance of sports medical examinations, engagement in sports and improving physical and health education classes”.
Every child has the right to grow up healthy
Representatives of the school attended the meeting, including teacher Željko Zarić, principal Milena Tarbuk and the Parent Council representative, Jelena Stamenić. Key participants in the meeting included representatives from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Sports, who presented the pilot project “Every child has the right to grow up healthy” (“Svako dete ima pravo da odrasta zdravo”), initiated this school year in 95 schools across Serbia.
The central topic of the discussion was physical activity and its impact on future generations. Milan Pašić, Assistant Minister of Education, presented alarming data on the quantity and quality of physical and health education classes, simultaneously working on developing plans for improvement. These data indicate an urgent need to address the issues and serve as a catalyst for swift changes.

Improvements in the upcoming school year
The goal of such meetings is to gather relevant data from all interested parties to enhance the quality of physical and health education classes. Through constructive collaboration among all participants, significant improvements can be expected as early as the next school year.
This story underscores the importance of physical activity in children’s development, as well as the concerning fact that it is often neglected in the school system. The meeting pointed out the need to bring physical education and sports back to the core of the educational experience to ensure that our children grow up strong and healthy. Through the joint efforts of schools, parents and the government, there is a bright prospect for changing this trend and creating a healthier future for the new generations.