/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / September 29, 2022

Unusual Serbian language lesson at Savremena

At Savremena, both the teachers and the students are creative

We use every opportunity to show our students that everything they learn in school is important and applicable in everyday life, as well as to enrich everyday life with the magic of childhood. Many students will always remember one particular Serbian language lesson not only because they learned how to express themselves well in that class, but also because they learned many interesting facts about their classmates.

Savremena’s second graders had one special task for that particular Serbian language lesson. The teacher asked them to bring to class something that is their favourite childhood memory, so they talked about memories in class and everyone had the opportunity to talk about the good moments that bind them to the objects they brought.

You could hear a lot of interesting stories, and we could certainly write a book that would contain those stories. Someone brought the shoes they wore when they took their first steps, someone brought their blankets, or their favourite toy, etc. There were also toys that were passed on to other generations within one family, each 40 or more years old.

Such an inspiring and creative concept of this Serbian language lesson provided an excellent framework for students not only to express themselves but also to get to know and connect with each other better. Through stories about objects that are dear to them, the children also learned what is important to whom and what kind of games they like.

At Savremena, we always pay special attention to the relationships between professors and students, as well as between students individually, because children learn best and most easily when they feel that they are accepted, that they belong, and that they have the support of the people around them.

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