Savremena’s artists designed covers for their favourite books in celebration of World Book Day and International Design Day

/ / Blog, I-IV, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, Uncategorized, V-VIII / April 29, 2022

Savremena's artists designed covers for their favourite books in celebration of World Book Day and International Design Day

We reinvigorated the favorite literature with our imagination

Imagination is part of the irreplaceable magic of childhood, and it helps children develop their cognitive abilities. Creative imagination helps children learn about the world around them, and develop their creativity. Savremena students had fun designing the covers for their favorite books, and proved to be very competent designers. Even more importantly, they were reminded of their favorite literary works.  

The International Design Day has been celebrated since 1995 with the aim of raising awareness of the value of graphic design, as well as bringing together designers from all over the world. This year, the International Design Day and the World Book Day were celebrated on the same day, which led to the realization of a great idea – to have students design the covers of their favorite literary works.

The children produced a number of wonderful designer solutions, so many in fact to warrant the organization of an entire exhibition, and award the best works.

The books our students chose belong among the most popular works of children’s literature, and as such, they are proof of their love of reading. Some of the chosen books include Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Goldilocks, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, My Grandfather Was a Cherry Tree, The Little Prince, etc.

You can see for yourself how wonderful and loving their works are.

The students gave free rein to their imagination, and enjoyed themselves so much that they did not even notice they had learned a lot through play. Play is the best way to develop one’s imagination, and should be understood as a necessary preparation for adult life. It stimulates the child’s intellectual development, eliminates fear, strengthens the sense of security, strengthens one’s will, and improves social skills. 

We are looking forward to future creative challenges.