Truly different color fireworks

/ / Blog, Uncategorized / February 6, 2024

Truly different color fireworks

Students of Savremena osnovna škola in the world of creativity

We peeked into one of the recently held art classes – students of Savremena osnovna škola showed how art can be both fun and inspiring.

Creativity and different perspectives

The theme of the class was “Fireworks,” but not the ones we observe in the sky, but the ones that we create on paper. With a little tempera paint and drinking straws, students embarked on an adventure to create their versions of fireworks.

The process was simple but the effect was fascinating: students applied colorful layers of tempera paint on paper, and then, by blowing through the straws, they spread the color in all directions, creating explosions of colors reminiscent of real fireworks.

Same theme - completely different results

This activity was not only an opportunity for students to unleash their imagination and express themselves through colors and shapes, but also a way to learn something new about art techniques and how unusual materials can be used in creating works of art. This activity is another proof that Savremena osnovna škola continues to nurture creativity and innovation in its approach to education, making learning interesting and interactive.

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