Students of Primary School Savremena were awarded in another literary contest
Andjela Petrovic / / Blog, V-VIII / September 25, 2023
Students of Primary School Savremena were awarded in another literary contest
Primary school students from all over Serbia participated in the contest ``Unfinished Story``
The literary contest “Unfinished Story” was organised this year as well through the association “Prijatelji dece Voždovac”.
The call for the new contest was announced at the end of last year and was open until March of this year. As in previous years, the concept of the contest remained the same – all participants received a story that began in the same way, with the task of finishing it using their own style.
This year, our writer Slađana Bušić initiated the task with her story titled “Baš nemam inspiraciju”.
All the students demonstrated their creativity, and the most successful among them will be rewarded with a book in which their stories will be published. The award ceremony will take place in early October as part of the “Children’s Week” event.

Primary School Savremena is proud to announce that our students participated in this year’s contest, and even more so because some of them emerged as winners. Our student, Aleksandra Mamuzić from grade VIII-1, won third place in the category of higher grades.
For several consecutive years, students from Savremena have been participating in this contest. Their participation is one of the regular activities of the school’s literary club.