Ski class at Savremena: Students master their first sports skills
iva.djordjevic / / Blog / November 18, 2024
Ski class at Savremena: Students master their first sports skills
Coaches from the Red Star Ski Club introduce students to the world of sports
Primary School Savremena had the honour of hosting coaches from the renowned Red Star Ski Club, who shared their passion for skiing and the importance of sports through an interactive lecture. Through engaging conversations and activities, students learned more about the club’s history, the benefits of skiing, and essential basics for both beginners and advanced skiers.
Coach Srđan Šabanović introduced the students to the rich history of the Red Star Ski Club, sharing stories of successful athletes and important club achievements. He highlighted the value of dedication and patience in sports and explained how skiing can contribute to building physical strength, resilience, and coordination.

First steps in skiing: Tips for beginners and competitors
In a discussion with the students, Coach Šabanović explained the first steps crucial for those just starting to ski, as well as key success factors for competitive skiers. Through questions and discussion, students had the opportunity to learn how they might begin their own sports journey and perhaps one day become top athletes.
Skill course: Practical application of sports skills
After the lecture, students from second to fourth grade had the chance to show off their skills on an obstacle course, where the Red Star coaches guided and encouraged them through various challenges. This fun activity allowed them to practice basic sports skills and experience the excitement that skiing can bring.
The visit from the Red Star Ski Club coaches left a lasting impression on Savremena students, inspiring them to explore the world of sports and maybe one day step onto the slopes for real.