Second-Grade Students Learned About Internet Safety and Created Digital Art

/ / Blog / December 27, 2024

Second-Grade Students Learned About Internet Safety and Created Digital Art

An Important Lesson on Internet Safety

Second-grade students at Savremena Primary School had the opportunity to explore an important topic during their robotics class—internet safety and the proper use of technology. Through discussions and practical examples, they learned how to recognize potential online dangers, how to protect themselves, and why it is essential to use the internet responsibly.

Creativity Through Pixel Art

After mastering the basics of internet safety, the students were introduced to the Pixel Art program, which allowed them to express their creativity in a digital format. Using this program, they created unique artworks, showcasing their imagination and technical skills.

A Perfect Blend of Learning and Creativity

The class was an excellent example of how key life skills can be taught through fun and practical activities, while also fostering a love for technology and art. Savremena Primary School is proud of its students, who are learning every day how to use technology in a smart and creative way.

Bravo to the second-grade students for their effort, knowledge, and wonderful creations!

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