Pajama Day: Unusual Friday at Savremena

/ / Blog / April 26, 2024

Pajama Day: Unusual Friday at Savremena

Fourth Graders Celebrate the Last Day Before Easter Break in Pajamas with Stuffed Friends

Savremena organized an unusual and cheerful day just before the Easter break. Fourth graders welcomed the holiday in colorful pajamas, turning the school into a place full of laughter and play.

A Day to Remember

All fourth-grade students came to school dressed in their favorite pajamas, bringing along their beloved stuffed toys. Classrooms turned into real bedrooms, where students shared stories with their plush friends, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere. Joy and laughter filled the hallways as teachers embraced the spirit of the day by wearing their most comfortable pajamas as well. This unique celebration on the last day before the Easter break left students not only with joy and relaxation but also with special memories they will cherish long after returning from the break.

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