Little Leaders: Fifth Graders as Teachers Helping First Graders

/ / Blog / September 30, 2024

Little Leaders: Fifth Graders as Teachers Helping First Graders

Fifth-grade students took on the role of teachers and showcased their knowledge while working with first graders, developing empathy and responsibility.

At Savremena osnovna škola, fifth-grade students accepted the challenge of stepping into the role of teachers, assisting our youngest pupils—first graders—in mastering their initial lessons in Serbian language and mathematics. This fantastic initiative allowed the fifth graders to demonstrate their knowledge in an engaging way while also learning something new about patience, responsibility, and the skill of explanation.

Fifth Graders as Leaders in Teaching First Graders: A Challenge and Joy in the Role of Teacher

How did the fifth graders fare in this new role? Extremely well! The leaders of this activity, with the help of their teachers, devised creative methods to help the first graders understand the tasks more easily. While solving mathematical problems and completing exercises in Serbian language, our older students patiently guided their younger peers through each step, explaining the material in a way that was relatable and understandable to them.

“It was very fun but also challenging. We realised how important it is to have patience and how one problem can seem much harder from the perspective of someone solving it for the first time,” said a fifth-grade student after the activity. “We felt like real teachers!”

The first graders enthusiastically welcomed the help from their older friends, and the atmosphere in the classroom was filled with joy and curiosity. This activity demonstrated how vital it is for students to connect with one another and learn from each other, and the fifth graders proudly embraced their new roles.

Savremena osnovna škola continues to promote collaboration and community among its students, enabling them to develop a sense of responsibility and empathy through such activities, as well as a love for learning and teaching.