Happy birthday, Vuk

For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow…online too: Happy birthday, Vuk!

/ / Blog, Kombinovani, Nacionalni, V-VIII / April 7, 2020

For He's a Jolly Good Fellow…online too: Happy birthday, Vuk!

Nothing can replace the feeling when your friends sing “Happy Birthday” to you and send you their best wishes. You wait the entire year for this and no one should be deprived of it, regardless of the current isolation.

Teacher Danijela Kleut and Year 4 students of Primary School Savremena, together with the parents, had a surprise for Vuk Pantić Crnčević on his 12th birthday. His friends from school sang “Happy Birthday” via video chat, after which they showed individual messages each of them had prepared.

Happy birthday, Vuk

At the end, Vuk also received birthday messages through the Nearpod teaching app which the students use to acquire new knowledge and skills in an interesting and creative manner. 

This left a strong impression on Vuk who thanked his friends: 

“My dear friends, this means a lot to me and it shows why I came to this school. It wasn’t like this in the previous one. I’m really sad that I can’t say this in person, but thank you. Your friend, Vuk”. 

Although the current situation physically separated Savremena’s primary students, nothing can stop or break the unity they have built at school.

Happy birthday, Vuk.

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